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It takes an entire community of stakeholders from different backgrounds to share their expertise and help train the neurodevelopmental research leaders of tomorrow. 


The CanNRT Platform offer unique benefits and opportunities to four types of members: CanNRT Fellows, Trainee members, Faculty members, and Community members. 

Current Fellows

Each year, the Canadian Neurodevelopmental Research Training Program (CanNRT) selects and enrolls a new group of fellows who are exceptional trainees, conducting research in autism and related conditions.

Visit the CanNRT Fellows page for more about enrollment, benefits, and much more. 

Trainee members
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Prospective Fellows

Trainee Members interested in NDDs will be invited on an ongoing basis and benefit from awards programs for trainees and other targeted activities that contribute to their career development. 

Faculty members
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Experienced Faculty will help guide and mentor emerging talent and are essential to unlocking opportunities and networking.

For Early Career Faculty who are within 8 years of initial appointment and working in the field of NDDs: we will continuously survey the Canadian landscape and ensure the inclusion of early faculty in key roles related to 
the Platform through an annual nomination process.

Speaking Practice
Knowledge Users

Community members include anyone interested in interacting with or utilizing research knowledge, e.g., policy makers, decision makers in health or education, service providers, and people with lived experience.

CanNRT offers opportunities for interactions with faculty and trainees through targeted activities. Community members can advise on key training directions and can support the creation of unique career development opportunities for trainees and fellows.

Community members
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